2017-07-04 18:40:48 UTC
i'm using Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and want to set up the printer driver for the
Epson Stylus Pro 3880. But i find no way, to set up the user definded
formats for printing long A3-fotos (panoramas) in the driver. In the media
size button (MediengröÃe (german)) there is user defined (Benutzerdefiniert
(german)) selectable, but no opinion to set up the dimensions for the user
defined formats. How can i do it?
How can I use icc-profiles in the gutenprint driver, so that the printer
manages colour management and not the application (e.g. gimp)). This has
the advantage that all programs wich could send a print command to the
printer is carried out with the right colours.
Would be glad for an answer!
Kind regards

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i'm using Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and want to set up the printer driver for the
Epson Stylus Pro 3880. But i find no way, to set up the user definded
formats for printing long A3-fotos (panoramas) in the driver. In the media
size button (MediengröÃe (german)) there is user defined (Benutzerdefiniert
(german)) selectable, but no opinion to set up the dimensions for the user
defined formats. How can i do it?
How can I use icc-profiles in the gutenprint driver, so that the printer
manages colour management and not the application (e.g. gimp)). This has
the advantage that all programs wich could send a print command to the
printer is carried out with the right colours.
Would be glad for an answer!
Kind regards

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